Human rights and the social doctrine of the catholic church: approaches and differences
human rights, social doctrine of the church, natural lawAbstract
The present work deals with an analysis on the development and consolidation of human rights based on a historical Eurocentric relation of their existence and the current pretension of universality, but which in fact demonstrate their selection of rights to be guaranteed based on economic and social values characteristic of bourgeois neoliberal ethics, resulting in a post-coloniality with marks of domination and exclusion. Next, the composition of canon law, its relationship with state forms and its current position as a defender of human rights, but credulous of natural law, will be observed, which, within its relation of faith and truth, implies in religious influences in secular states. From this, then, we seek to approach the views about human rights from a religious perspective and a civil legal bias, analyzed points of divergence and spaces of communion of ideas. This work seeks to problematize and add elements of understanding regarding the issue of spirituality (religiosity), inserted in both legislative and policy issues. Methodologically this work starts from a theoretical analysis, from a bibliographical review, using a deductive method and having as material from this analytical research the literature both of Catholic religiosity and its postulates in the encyclicals and social doctrine, as well as the liberal and critical definition of human rights.
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