AI Now Religious Freedom?
Religious Freedom, artificial intelligence, online, offline, dataAbstract
The intersection between religious freedom (RF) and artificial intelligence (AI) presents a significant challenge today, given the increasing use of automated technologies in decision-making. This study examines how AI systems, particularly those algorithms that utilize big data, can affect RF rights in both online and offline contexts. It is argued that the design and implementation of algorithms must consider the cultural and religious particularities of communities to avoid discrimination and bias in automated decisions. Evidence shows that AI can become a surveillance tool that threatens the expression of religious diversity, reproducing stigmas and increasing the marginalization of certain groups. Adaptations of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are proposed to assist organizations in integrating RF into their algorithmic practices. Recommendations include reviewing the legal framework of human rights concerning RF, mapping the local legal landscape, and conducting risk assessments that consider relevant cultural and social variables. Furthermore, the need for human oversight in the development of AI systems is emphasized to ensure that individual rights are respected. In conclusion, it is essential that AI initiatives not only promote technological innovation but also respect and protect RF as a fundamental human right in the digital age.
Copyright (c) 2024 Isaac Carbajal

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